Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just like a fortune cookie

Today, a customer at work wanted to exhange the size and color on a sweater but he couldn't find his size so I was going to just return it so he could get something else. Just as I was going to do the return, he looks at the sweaters I had been size stickering the entire time and there was his size, a medium. And he says to me, "Sometimes the thing you are looking for is right in front of you." Wise words Mr. Customer.

In other news, I'm on the Fashionist (I made it mom!).

I'm usually less tired and not mean looking. I swear! I had to be at work early that day and I was pooped by the time this was taken. Check out the Fashionist for spiffy San Francisco street fashion.


1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Happy Birthday, Dion!!!

Yay, the Fashionist!

Next up...Facehunter